Hello There,
I am Arman Kamal

I am an Software Engineer who loves to create new things and solve real life problem with coding.

My Resume


Expense Budget

Track your daily expense by storing your income source and expense category. You can easily download your expenses and incomes report as an excel, pdf or word format. Authentication is also built in from scratch with real-time validation.

  • Python
  • Django
  • Javascript
  • Ajax
  • ChartJS
  • PostgreSQL

Instagram Clone

A way to enable users to share images or videos with audience. A way to enable users to share images or videos with audience.A way to enable users to share images or videos with audience.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Firebase
  • ReactSkeleton
  • TailwindCSS

Django Ecommerce

A fully functional Shopping Cart build with Django, Python and SQlite

  • Html
  • CSS
  • BootStrap
  • Django
  • Javascript
  • SQLite
  • Heroku


A full-stack web application what allows registered members to broadcast short posts.Created Api from scratch using Django Rest Framework.Front-End is handle By React & Redux

  • Django
  • React
  • Redux
  • PostgreSQL
  • AmazonS3Bucket


  • Front-End

    Experience with Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, React JS, TailwindCSS

  • Back-End Stack

    Experience with Java, Python, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Django, DjangoRestFramework


    Experience with SQLITE, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Firestore

About Me

I am a Software Engineer, who loves to code. I enjoy learning new technologies. I studied Computer Science & Engineering in Bangladesh and then moved to United States where I continued to build my skills across full stack development.

My interest in computer science started at a very early age. I loved playing video games and always wanted to make one. In high school, I also learned HTML & CSS briefly. These factors lead me to select computer science in my college


    Started my university journey


    Worked as a freelance developer


    Ensured United Groups app Wellbeing Pharmacy meets client expectations.


    Finsihed my Bachelor Degree


    Got two black belt from Coding Dojo Bootcamp

Awards & Certification

Achieved 3rd Place - Project Showcasing Competition - NUB CSE Day 2019

Certification in Modern React With Redux - Udemy

Certificate of Achievement from Coding Dojo Bootcamp based on United States

Black Belt in Python, Java from Coding Dojo Bootcamp based on United States

Think Twice, Code once